For the fabulous celebration of Birthdays, Anniversaries, Baby Showers, Corporate Events and beyond, the possibilities are endless. Whether a chic minimalistic design or a cake full of grandesa, I’d be honoured to create a unique masterpiece to celebrate your special occasion.
Request your cake via the cake request form or book a consultation where we can dive into your specific needs and discuss design options while indulging in some delicious cake.
Either select from one of my signature design options as shown below, customisable with inscriptions, logos, candles and your choice of colour scheme or opt for "Design your cake" on the request form. Here you are invited to upload reference images and a detailed description to inspire your personalized design concept.
The standard height of my cakes is 10cm, as exemplified by "Floral Berry" cake design above. Custom cake heights, additional dummy tiers are available upon request via the request form's additional notes section.
Cake coverings include buttercream, ganache, or fondant. My choice depends on cake design and flavour profile chosen. If you have a preference in mind, kindly specify this in the additional notes section on the request form.
Cake portions are sized at a standard 75g, offering a satisfying dessert serving. For events featuring a wider array of dishes, a smaller "finger portion" of 35-40g per person can be arranged to minimize waste.
Each cake is crafted to maintain its freshness for 2-3 days post-delivery or collection. Should there be cake leftover, I recommend refrigerating the slices to extend the enjoyment. Detailed instructions on storage, shelf life, and dietary information will be provided with your order.